Wedding Rings and Sweat Rings

Summer came barging in early today, thrusting unseasonably hot temperatures in our northerly path to Canada.

The past few days were spent in Charleston, West Virginia, helping son Chris and his bride-to-be Gail set up for their wedding. Weather forecasts had been somewhat hostile, threatening to hit the mid-nineties on the big day.

An historic ranch, nestled in the hills outside of Charleston, provided the venue for both wedding and reception.

Fortunately, milder temps prevailed. The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was, shall we say, lively – with music and dancing continuing long after Reg and I were tucked into bed.

Next stop Maryland, under the heat dome bullseye.

Our surprise traveling companion promises to stick with us, radiating sizzling heat as we drive north toward the U.S. border. Who would have thought we’d be battling 95°+ temperatures prior to the summer solstice. We sure didn’t.

Categories: Road Trips, State Parks | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Wedding Rings and Sweat Rings

  1. Alex Miller

    Sounds awesome! Congrats to your son and his bride! We are on a boat in Malta as part of a Mediterranean cruise. Cheers🍻

    Liked by 1 person

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