Camino in France – Just Say “No”

Day 34 – Eauze to Nogaro

Our Wednesday night room in Eauze was at Hotel Henri IV.

“No, we don’t eat meat,” Reg fibbed to our server upon hearing our dinner choices….duck cooked this way, or duck cooked that way. Neither of us like duck, no matter how it’s cooked.
When we booked our trip, our travel company reserved all our rooms for us with dinner and breakfast included. It’s worked well, especially in some of the smaller villages. The downside is that our dinner choices are set. What we see is what we get.

After a bit of negotiation, we were offered the mixed vegetable, mashed potato and salad plate. Exactly what we were hoping for.

Today’s favorite feature was the brightly colored bull ring in the village of Manciet. You won’t see a typical bullfight here. The Course Landsis, as it’s called, is an ancient form of bullfighting. Cows, described as small and athletic, replace bulls. Details are vague, but the claim is that it’s a popular spectator sport with no bloodshed.

Manciet’s bull ring.

Lots of cornfields today. Tomorrow we have a long haul where a rest day awaits.

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4 thoughts on “Camino in France – Just Say “No”

  1. Appreciate your honesty about the food, takes courage on the Camino.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks like they came up with a great meal for you. Hotel Henri IV looks to be just the right amount of “rustic” , could be something right out of Agatha Christie, way cool!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was a nice hotel. And we’ve been craving fresh vegetables. There are beautiful vegetables grown in this region, but we haven’t seen them on our plates. Missing our lighter meals back home.


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